FAQ about salary

You get paid within 24 hours of us receiving payment from your client. You can select payment terms of 10, 20 or 30 days for your invoices (i.e. the number of days your client has to pay). We notify you by email when we receive your client’s payment.

Need to be paid even quicker? You can apply for Cool Company’s ExpressPay® service. That way, you get paid as soon as we’ve approved your ExpressPay® application and the client has approved your invoice. Read more about ExpressPay®

Cool Company takes a fee of 5.98% of the invoiced amount excluding VAT.
The fee includes:

  • Reporting and paying taxes, contributions and VAT to the Swedish Tax Agency.
  • Paying your salary with the tax already deducted.
  • Bookkeeping, auditing (KPMG) and debt collection (Intrum Justitia) – but please note that legal matters are not included in debt collection.
  • Administering your ROT & RUT (non-commercial clients) deductions.

If you are between the ages 25 and 66, there’s an automatic provision for an occupational pension, amounting to 4.5% of the gross salary.

When you create an invoice for your work, you can always see your net salary at the bottom of the screen. Click on the ‘Our calculation’ heading to view a detailed summary of the invoice’s various costs, including the ones you are paying to Team members, and ROT or RUT costs.

Tip: Before accepting an assignment, you can work out what your salary will be depending on the size of the invoice. This can be useful when deciding how much to charge for an assignment.

Try calculating your salary after tax.

You will find your salary specifications under “salaries” in the menu on the left when you log in. Click on the “salary specifications” tab and you will see all your salary specifications in the list. If you click on a specific salary specification, you can see its details and you can also download it as a PDF.

ExprExpressPay is a loan service over and above the normal invoicing/admin service. With ExpressPay, we pay your invoice within 24 hours after your client confirms you have completed the assignment.

When you submit an invoice, you also accept the agreement and the applicable General Terms & Conditions.

You are a general fixed-term employee of Cool Company, on a contractual basis. Your employment begins and ends with each assignment you complete, and your time worked is what you invoice for.

Bear in mind that you need to pre-register an assignment to ensure you have full insurance cover, the right details for unemployment insurance and so on.

As an independent contractor with Cool Company, we make sure you are safely insured. We offer perhaps the best insurance cover on the market for independent contractors. You are always covered by our occupational injury (TFA) and group life (TGL) insurance when you are on assignments approved by Cool Company. In most cases, you’re also covered by our liability insurance.

For assignments in construction and ROT, you will need to take out additional insurance specially tailored for the construction sector. Since many of Cool Company’s independent contractors work in construction, we have been able to negotiate highly competitive liability insurance with Trygg Hansa. If you would like to know more about our excellent value insurance cover for construction jobs, or any of our other insurance policies, please contact Customer Support.

You must register your assignment to ensure that insurance cover and unemployment insurance are in place before you start working. The easiest way to do this is to create an Assignment in the online portal and send it in to us, or by emailing us at fakturera@coolcompany.se.

Tip: When you have created an assignment in the portal, you are just a push of a button away from creating a complete specification of details for your upcoming invoice.

If you have worked through us and have had your invoice paid, you can request a certificate of employment. To do this, please email your name, personal number (personnummer) and the period you want the certificate to cover, to: info@coolcompany.se

Cool Company sends out complete verification data for the relevant self-assessment period, in January every year.

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