General Terms and Conditions – ExpressPay

This is a translated version of Cool Company Skandinavien’s original version in Swedish. In case of discrepancies, the original version in Swedish shall be considered to prevail over this version.

1.                   APPLICABILITY

These general terms and conditions comprise a contractual relationship (hereinafter the “Agreement”) between Cool Company Skandinavien AB (hereinafter “CCAB”) and self-employed persons (hereinafter the “Self-Employed person”) who choose the ExpressPay additional service (hereinafter the “Service”). 

The Service involves, as soon as the Assignment Provider has confirmed an Assignment according to the final Assignment Description, the salary being paid within 24 hours. The Self-Employed person can thus receive pay in advance. 

2.                   BACKGROUND

CCAB’s Service is a loan that aims to make it easier for the Self-Employed person who would like to receive compensation for their work directly instead of waiting until after the Employer has paid CCAB, and CCAB can pay the salary.

To use CCAB’s Service, the Self-Employed person must have a personal account registered at

To register an account, the Self-Employed person must first accept the Fixed-Term Employment Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed.

Furthermore, it is required that the Assignment must be registered, the Assignment Provider must have confirmed the Assignment and the invoice for the Assignment with Assignment description. 

CCAB cannot offer the Service if the invoice relates to work performed outside of Sweden. 


•                    The terms and conditions under the General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed must be met and CCAB must be able to undertake and approve the Assignment.

•                    The Self-Employed person must be 18 years of age to be able to use the service.

•                    The work must be carried out and approved by your Assignment Provider, which they do by approving the invoice.

•                    The Assignment Provider must be a limited company registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and have at least two financial statements registered.

•                    The Assignment Provider must be deemed by CCAB to have good ability to pay and must not have any record of debt non-payment.

•                    The Self-Employed person must be assessed by CCAB as having a good ability to pay and must not have any record of debt non-payment.

•                    The Self-Employed person agrees that CCAB will check for any record of debt non-payment. 

•                    There must be no significant conflict of interest between the Self-Employed person and the Assignment Provider.

•                    Any cost deductions are only credited if CCAB has received physical receipts or invoices when payment is made through ExpressPay.

•                    CCAB grants Credit through the Service of up to SEK 30,000, excluding VAT, in outstanding invoices per month.

•                    The Assignment Provider must have a company email address. Public email addresses such as Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook etc. are not accepted.  

•                    CCAB reserves the right to reject the application to use the ExpressPay service.

In the event that the Invoice issued after the Assignment has been completed does not meet the above conditions, it will be processed in accordance with the terms of the General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed, whereby CCAB retroactively tests whether the Assignment can be accepted.

4.                   SERVICE COST

For the Service, CCAB charges 8.57%, which is deducted from the value, excluding VAT, that CCAB has received from the Assignment Provider before payment is made to the Self-Employed person.

5.                   SALARY PAYMENT

The payment to the Self-Employed person is calculated based on the amount invoiced to the Assignment Provider (see more in General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed). 

Payment takes place within 24 hours from the Assignment Provider’s approval of the invoice and the Assignment Description. 

6.                   COMPLAINTS

Complaints about CCAB’s performance of the Service must be reported by the Self-Employed person to CCAB within 14 days from the actual, or planned, payment date. 


In the event that CCAB receives a complaint regarding the Assignment performed by the Self-Employed person and the Self-Employed person does not remedy the error or deficiency, in accordance with the Fixed-Term Employment Agreement and General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed, the Self-Employed person may be liable for repayment of the amount received through the Service. 

8.                   RIGHT TO OFFSET 

In the event that the Self-Employed person chooses to use the additional ExpressPay service, the Self-Employed person at the same time allows CCAB to offset the advance against the outstanding salary in cases where this may be required. 

9.                   CHANGES AND ADDITIONS

No changes and/or additions to this Agreement are valid unless these have been made in writing and signed by an authorised representative of each party.  

10.                 AGREEMENT

This agreement constitutes an additional agreement to the General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed. All clauses in the General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed therefore apply in addition to this agreement. In the event that the agreements are contradictory, this agreement applies before the General Terms and Conditions for the Self-Employed. 

11.                 VALIDITY  

This Agreement is valid from the day it is accepted by the Self-Employed person until and including the day when the Self-Employed person no longer has an Employment Agreement with CCAB. 

12.                 OTHER

CCAB reserves the right to change the above text and agreement without prior notice.

General Terms and Conditions ExpressPay: last updated 30-12-2022.