Five contracting tips before starting off

Here are the consultancy and contract professions that are growing despite Covid-19

Working sustainably from the start and planning your finances are two of the tips from Cool Company to professionals who are starting to look at contracting as an alternative to working as an employee. Although the labour market has been severely affected by Covid-19, the contract profession is still strong.  

The road from employment to contracting life does not have to be so difficult and, many have succeeded even though Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the entire labour market. But when you look at the contracting market, certain areas have seen increased activity. Our data shows that contractors in the IT and administration industry have seen an increased requirement for services

Industries that are often associated with contractor and consultants appear to be the safest areas to turn to. “But we are seeing more and more professional areas opening up role for project-based contractors,” says Matilda Konkell, communications manager at Cool Company.

Changing the form of employment as an alternative to changing occupations

Leave, and layoffs have affected many, however, for those who want to remain in their profession. It may be an alternative to change from employment to contracting rather than of changing occupation.

Changing the form of employment instead of completely changing profession can be a very good alternative in conditions like these. But you must think about finances, to make such a move will require a buffer to cover current financial commitments (rent, food, car etc).

“It may be an alternative to change from employment to contracting rather than of changing occupation.”

5 contracting tips for those getting into the life as a contractor

1. Build yourself and your network

When you want to venture out into the contract market, you need to be able to showcase your skills and find out who to show it to. Think about your USP (unique selling point), your resume and/or portfolio. Social media, apps, and job networks online are great for starting to build your own network and letting potential customers know that you are on the market.

Join a professional group or association

There’s a reason why rent is so high in hubs like London, Manchester and Edinburgh: ambitious professionals with great ideas like to be around people with similar energy.

Groups on social media networks can fill that gap if you prefer to work remotely in a rural or an island setting. Besides trading ideas and learning new tips, a group of like-minded professionals can support each other during difficult times and give advice when help is needed.

2. Planning your finances

When you take the step into the contracting world, there are some pieces that you need to think about. If you start your own business, you need to make sure that you set aside money for, among other things, pensions, insurance, holidays and benefits.

Join an umbrella company

Taxes can be complex and will take up valuable time that can be better spent working on assignments or upgrading your skills. Consider employing the services of an umbrella company that takes care of everything for you with less paperwork and zero administration hassle.

3. Know your value

Putting a monetary value on your own time can be difficult. Map your experience, do research and ask around in different networks to create a picture of what fair market value looks like. It’s not about overcharging, but rather about getting paid the right amount for the services you provide. Getting this right will make all the difference in your contracting journey.

Avoid discounts

In most cases, it’s not a good idea to price down your services to the lowest bidder because these types of clients continuously price-shop and will drain your energy over time.

Instead of declining their offer, try adding extra services to increase the value of your proposal. Prospects that consider you replaceable will look elsewhere while the most ideal clients will accept your offer because they recognize your unique skill set.

4. Have a buffer

When working as a contractor, salary and workload can vary. Similarly, depending on the payment terms, it may take some time before the payment arrives. Make sure you have a financial buffer so you can feel safe even when you have some air between assignments.

Make a list and schedule everything

Working in an office can be super-productive – especially when there is a supervisor constantly looking over your shoulder and micro-managing your workflow.

Working at home is an entirely different story. While there is a lot of freedom in working independently, it’s super easy to get side-tracked. Stay organized by scheduling everything (including meals and breaks) so all your assignments are completed on time.

5. Work smart from the beginning

It doesn’t matter if you are an employee or contractor, you need time off to stay productive in the long term. Plan your time well so that you do not work too much and ensure a work life balance. Last but not least – don’t forget your vacation.

Take time to rest and recuperate

Our nervous system has two sides: the sympathetic side which is dominant during times of activity and the parasympathetic side which is involved with rest and repair.

Finding a balance between these two sides in life as a contractor is critical to your work performance and is central to managing stress. That is why it’s important to ensure that you work reasonable hours and get adequate, quality sleep.

Further contracting advice

Remember to set goals

All random paths lead to the same place called “nowhere”. Setting goals gives you a target for where you want to be, who you want to work with and how much money you want to make. Each goal should follow the S.M.A.R.T. formula as follows:

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Achievable

R: Realistic

T: Timely

This works well for financial, fitness as well as career goals. Try setting at least three goals to start and put them in a text note on your computer or phone to review each morning. This quick practice can do wonders for keeping you on track in multiple areas of life.

Never stop learning

Learning new things increases neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to take in and process information. This is especially important as we get older so it pays to stay on top of your field by taking seminars and courses. Competition is tougher than ever, and continuing education provides an edge that pays dividends in the long run.

Pretend you are the best in your field

No one started out at the top and everyone that’s reached success remembers the grunt work they did at the beginning. That’s because it was exactly that sort of experience that gave them the skills they needed to keep moving up.

Pretend that you are already at the top. If you make £20 an hour, pretend it’s £200 and give that level of service to each and every client. That’s precisely the mindset required to gain client loyalty and move to the top of your field for increased financial and professional success.

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